Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Double Stroller Deal

This post almost makes me cry, knowing how much we spent on our Phil & Ted's stroller 2 years ago - and with no 'lazy ted' add on! Seriously folks, the best deal on a double stroller you will ever see (not a great running stroller, but for everything else it takes the cake - I still LOVE mine and use it weekly when I have more then one little one with me.) Costco online has this combo for $299 right now. The set up in the picture is for two toddlers or an older baby and toddler. The seat on the back can also hook to the front while the regular seat lays flat for a younger infant. And the seat can come off to attach to the 'lazy ted' bar, making it a seat for infant/baby/toddler.

IKEA Seize the days and save

This weekend, May 23 to the 25th, IKEA is offering awesome specials on the popular POANG armchair, curtains, sofa bed and bookcases. And free breakfast as well! Check it out here

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Deal Alert!

I ran out of laundry soap last night due to poor planning. Normally we use Shaklee but since it arrives through the mail I headed to Fred Meyer to get my alternative laundry soap- Seventh Generation. To my surprise it was on sale for 40% off! And this deal got even better after I paid I was handed a coupon for $2.00 of my next purchase of two cleaning products. I plan to get more before the sixteenth when the sale ends to have as back up. I don't buy cleaning products from grocery stores often but 40% off sure seems to be a good deal to me so I wanted to share.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jewelry, Facials & Bras - oh my!

An exclusive event highlighting three successful female owned businesses - Celebrate Mother's Day early and start your shopping at Just Like a Woman Specialty Lingerie and see all their new spring and summer inventory. While there get to know Avenue Five Jewelry and their unique designs but don't forget to sign up in advance for Rejuvenation Day Spa's skincare event and receive a mini-facial! The day will include refreshments, contests, discounts and free gifts with purchase. Plan a fun Saturday with friends or treat mom just in time for Mother's Day!
Saturday May 9th, 2009
11:00am - 5:00pm

Baby Boot Camp 5th Annual Mother's Day Class

Free event on Friday, May 8th at 9am at Washington Park. Come check out what this amazing 'get your pre-baby body back (and better it) ' program is all about! Weekly classes are available in Portland, Beaverton, Clackamas, Sellwood, Tualatin, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, Happy Valley, Hillsboro, Tigard, Vancouver and Wilsonville.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sound Roots School of Modern Music Monthy Jam Session

Tuesday May 5th, 7-9pm
and every first Tuesday of the month thereafter

Sound Roots is opening their studio once a month for a FREE community jam session.

Sound Roots School of Modern Music
412 NE Beech St, Portland 97212

Any instrument and all ages and skill levels welcome. Use your own instrument or borrow one of ours. Bring along your favorite music, learn to improv, or even share your original creations. A great way to meet other music lovers and hone some new skills. Fun and unpretentious environment.

Call 503.282.9999 with any questions or to enroll!
See website for complete class and program listings.

Yummy Fruit Leather

Summer is almost here and soon fresh berries will be everywhere so I wanted to share a recipe a friend gave me for homemade fruit leather. I have made three batches in the last week now and the last of the third is almost gone. My family loves it so I hope to stock up on berries all summer long.

Ingredients needed:

4 cups applesauce
4 tablespoons jam/jelly
2 cups berries of your choice
1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice (optional)
2 cookie sheets
Plastic wrap

First off preheat your oven to 175 degrees. Next add the above ingredients into your blender until they come out to a smooth texture. Line your cookie sheets with one layer of plastic wrap. If the plastic wrap seems to move around you can put a few drops of water under it to help hold it in place. Pour half of the fruit mixture on each pan. Try get the mixture in a even layer, watching out for the corners since they seem to collect more than the middle. Then, bake away.....

All ovens vary so for your first few batches you might want to check up on the fruit leather every 30 minutes or so. To speed things up a little you can open your oven door just a little bit to vent out the moisture. When the fruit leather is barely sticky it is finished. I pulled mine out of the oven and tried a small bite to make sure it was finished the first time I made it. The batches I have made have taken about 6 hours. If the layers are thick they will take longer. The time needed will also vary depending on what fruit you use. This does not have to be a seasonal treat either frozen berries work just as well as fresh. I used some freeze dried strawberries in my last batch and they worked out great too.

To store the fruit leather I simply cut the fruit leather into 2 inch by 4 inch pieces with my pizza cutter and place them in a plastic container without a lid . If somehow your fruit leather lasts for more than a few days you will want to use a lid to prevent it from getting to tough. Feel free to get creative with this recipe there are so many varieties you can make! With help from my mom I am hoping to make homemade applesauce this summer so I am able to make fruit leather all year round.